Terms and Conditions


Welcome to Your Financial Edge. These Terms and Conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of our services. By accessing our services, you accept these terms and conditions in full. Do not continue to use Your Financial Edge's services if you do not accept all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.


Your Financial Edge provides fractional CFO services to 7-8 figure real estate investors who are looking to scale. Our services include, but are not limited to:

1. Financial Strategy and Planning Our CFO services go beyond number crunching; we provide a strategic financial roadmap tailored to your business needs. We collaborate with you to develop long-term financial strategies that align with your business objectives. This includes assessing your current financial situation, identifying growth opportunities, and creating a clear plan to reach your goals. Whether you aim to expand into new markets, enhance profitability, or prepare for a major business transition, our CFOs ensure that your financial strategy is proactive and adaptable to changing circumstances. By integrating strategic insights with practical financial planning, we help you navigate complex financial decisions and lay a strong foundation for sustainable success.

2. Cash Flow Management Maintaining a healthy cash flow is vital for business survival and growth. Our CFO services include meticulous cash flow management to ensure your business has the liquidity needed to operate smoothly. We forecast cash inflows and outflows, identify potential cash shortages, and develop strategies to optimize cash reserves. By monitoring your cash position regularly, we help you avoid financial pitfalls such as overdrafts or missed payments. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and insights to make informed decisions about spending, investing, and managing working capital, ensuring that your business is always in a strong cash position.

3. Financial Reporting and Analysis Accurate financial reporting is crucial for understanding the financial health of your business. Our CFO services include the preparation of comprehensive financial reports, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, tailored to meet your specific needs. Beyond just reporting numbers, we provide in-depth analysis and insights that help you interpret what those numbers mean for your business. We identify trends, highlight key performance indicators, and offer actionable recommendations to improve financial performance. Our financial analysis helps you understand the drivers of your business’s profitability and make informed decisions that contribute to long-term growth and stability.

4. Budgeting and Forecasting Effective budgeting and forecasting are essential tools for business planning. Our CFO services include creating detailed budgets that outline your expected revenues and expenses. We work with you to develop realistic and achievable financial goals, based on historical data and market trends. By regularly reviewing and updating your budget, we help you stay on track and adapt to changing business conditions. Our forecasting capabilities allow you to anticipate future financial scenarios, making it easier to plan for growth, manage risks, and allocate resources effectively. We provide you with the financial foresight to make strategic decisions with confidence.

5. Risk Management and Compliance Navigating the complexities of financial regulations and ensuring compliance is a key responsibility of a CFO. Our services include a thorough assessment of your business’s risk landscape, identifying potential financial and operational risks that could impact your success. We develop and implement risk management strategies to mitigate these risks, protecting your business from potential losses. In addition, we ensure that your business complies with all relevant financial regulations, industry standards, and best practices. Our proactive approach to risk management and compliance helps safeguard your business’s financial integrity and reputation.

6. Profitability Analysis Understanding what drives your profitability is essential for making strategic business decisions. Our CFO services include comprehensive profitability analysis to identify the most profitable areas of your business and pinpoint opportunities for improvement. We analyze your cost structure, pricing strategies, and revenue streams to understand how each contributes to your bottom line. By identifying high-margin products or services and underperforming areas, we help you focus on activities that enhance profitability. Our insights enable you to optimize your operations, improve cost-efficiency, and make strategic investments that maximize returns.

7. Tax Strategy and Planning Effective tax strategy is crucial for minimizing your tax burden and maximizing your business’s profitability. Our CFO services include expert tax planning and strategy to ensure you take full advantage of available tax credits, deductions, and incentives. We provide guidance on tax-efficient business structures, transaction planning, and year-end tax planning. Our proactive approach to tax strategy helps you stay compliant with tax regulations, avoid costly penalties, and reduce your overall tax liability. We work closely with you to develop a tax strategy that aligns with your business goals and financial objectives.

8. Mergers and Acquisitions Support If your business is considering a merger or acquisition, our CFO services provide the financial expertise needed to navigate this complex process. We assist with every stage of the transaction, from initial due diligence to final integration. Our due diligence services include a thorough evaluation of the target company’s financial health, identifying potential risks and opportunities. We also support valuation and negotiation processes to ensure you get the best deal possible. Post-acquisition, we help integrate financial systems and processes, ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing the strategic value of the merger or acquisition.

9. Capital Structure and Fundraising Optimizing your capital structure is essential for maintaining financial flexibility and supporting business growth. Our CFO services include advising on the best mix of debt and equity financing to meet your business needs. We provide guidance on raising capital, whether through bank loans, venture capital, or other sources of funding. Our experience in preparing financial presentations and pitching to investors helps you secure the funding necessary to achieve your growth objectives. We manage relationships with lenders and investors, ensuring that your capital structure supports your strategic goals while minimizing financial risk.

10. Performance Metrics and KPI Management Tracking the right performance metrics is crucial for measuring business success. Our CFO services include the development and monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) that are aligned with your strategic objectives. We work with you to identify the most relevant KPIs for your business, whether they relate to financial performance, operational efficiency, or customer satisfaction. By providing regular reports and analysis, we help you understand how your business is performing and where improvements can be made. Our focus on KPI management ensures that you have the insights needed to drive continuous improvement and achieve your business goals.

Client Responsibilities

Clients agree to provide accurate and complete information necessary for the effective provision of our services. Clients are responsible for the timely provision of any information requested by Your Financial Edge to perform the agreed-upon services.

Fees and Payment

Fees for our services will be outlined in a separate agreement. Clients agree to pay all fees and charges associated with the services in accordance with the terms set forth in the agreement. Late payments may incur additional charges.


Your Financial Edge is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of all client information. We will not disclose any confidential information to third parties without the client's prior written consent, except as required by law.

Intellectual Property

All materials, methodologies, and tools used or provided by Your Financial Edge in the provision of services are the intellectual property of Your Financial Edge. Clients may not reproduce, distribute, or use these materials for any purpose other than the intended use without prior written consent.

Limitation of Liability

Your Financial Edge will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use of our services. Our total liability for any claim arising from the use of our services shall not exceed the amount paid by the client for the services.


Either party may terminate the agreement for any reason with 30 days' written notice. In the event of termination, the client agrees to pay for all services rendered up to the date of termination.

Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Georgia, USA, and any disputes relating to these terms and conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Atlanta, Georgia.


Your Financial Edge reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. Clients will be notified of any changes and continued use of our services will be deemed acceptance of the amended terms.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at: Email: [email protected]

By engaging with our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

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